Past progressive

The Past Progressive Tense: A Comprehensive Guide

The Past Progressive Tense, also known as the Past Continuous Tense, is used to indicate an ongoing action that happened in the past. The structure is typically formed by using the past tense of the auxiliary verb “to be” (was/were) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

The auxiliary verb “was” is used with singular subjects (I, he, she, it), while “were” is used with plural subjects (you, we, they). For example, “I was reading” or “They were reading.”

In affirmative sentences, the Past Progressive Tense allows us to express an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past. The sentence is formed by using the subject, followed by the correct form of “to be” (was/were), and then the present participle of the main verb. For example, “I was reading a book yesterday evening.”

Negative Sentences

Negative sentences in the Past Progressive Tense are formed by adding “not” after the auxiliary verb. For instance, “They were not playing football when it started to rain.” In informal English, contractions are often used, such as “wasn’t” for “was not” and “weren’t” for “were not”. For example, “I wasn’t reading when you called.”

Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences in the Past Progressive Tense are formed by switching the subject and the auxiliary verb. For yes/no questions, the structure is “was/were + subject + present participle?” For example, “Were you studying when I called?”

For wh- questions, the structure is “wh- word + was/were + subject + present participle?” The following are examples of Past Progressive Tense with different types of wh- questions:

  1. What: “What were you doing when the power went out?”
  2. Where: “Where were you living in 2010?”
  3. When: “When were you studying for the exam?”
  4. Why: “Why were you laughing during the movie?”
  5. Who: “Who was she talking to at the party?”
  6. Which: “Which book were you reading last night?”

Uses of the Past Progressive Tense

The Past Progressive Tense is used to express a few different concepts, including:

  1. Interrupted Actions in the Past: This tense is used to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted by a shorter action. For example, “I was watching TV when the phone rang.”
  2. Parallel Actions in the Past: When two actions were happening at the same time in the past, the Past Progressive Tense is used for both actions. For example, “While I was cooking, my sister was setting the table.”
  3. Expressing a Change of Plans: The Past Progressive can also be used to express a change of plans, with ‘was/were going to’. For example, “I was going to study tonight, but I’m too tired.”

Activity 1. Interaction Using the Past Progressive Tense

Instructions for Students:

  1. Read (listen to) the following dialogue carefully.
  2. Answer the questions based on the dialogue.
  3. Use the Past Progressive Tense in your answers.
  4. Remember to follow the rules of the Past Progressive Tense as explained above.

Alice: Hi Bob, how was your day?

Bob: Hi Alice, it was good. How about yours?

Alice: It was fine too. Were you watching TV when I called?

Bob: Yes, I was. I was watching a movie. It’s a nice way to relax. How about you?

Alice: I was cooking dinner, but I stopped to answer your call. It depends on what I’m doing.

Bob: That makes sense. By the way, was your brother studying when you left home?

Alice: No, he wasn’t. He was playing video games.

Bob: That’s interesting. My sister was also playing video games. She really enjoys it.

Alice: That’s great! My brother enjoys his games too. He says it’s challenging but fun.

Bob: I agree. Playing can be hard, but it’s worth it in the end.


  1. Was Alice cooking dinner when Bob called?
  2. What was Bob doing when Alice called?
  3. Was Alice’s brother studying when she left home?
  4. Was Bob’s sister playing video games?
  5. What does Alice’s brother find about his games?

Activity 2. Questions and Answers Using Past Progressive Tense

Instructions: The professor (or a student) will ask a question, and then you will answer the question using the second part of the clue and an appropriate Past Progressive Tense. Make sure to use the Past Progressive Tense in your answers.


  1. She / study / in the library
  2. He / read / before bed
  3. They / live / near the park
  4. You / eat / for breakfast every day
  5. We / walk / to school


  1. Teacher: What was she doing in the library? Student: She was studying in the library.


Understanding the Past Progressive Tense is essential for expressing actions that were ongoing in the past. By mastering its form and uses, you can greatly enhance your English communication skills.

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